Monday, September 29, 2008


Dylan is CRAZY about baseball. So much so that for the whole year that he was 3 he was insistent that he would play baseball next year. So when 4 rolled around I started looking into T-Ball for him. Well only to find that our township starts at 5 years of age. DILEMMA! So I searched around and found that the youth center started at age 4. He's the youngest and smallest on his team, but he's the most determined. He loves hitting, fielding and the roar of the crowd.

The cheering crowd :)

home run swing!


Michele said...

Looks like Marissa taking notes ;)

5 little greenbeans said...

He looks like a pro already :)
I love baseball!!
Can't wait for one of my boys, or girls for that matter to play!
I had the same dilemma with little bob, he really cant wait to play lacrosse, but it dosn't start till he's 9!