Tuesday, April 15, 2008

More Injury News

Yesterday when I took Dylan to the Pediatricians for his ear recheck (ear infection 3 weeks ago), the NP and DR. thought they saw dried blood behind his right ear drum (the ear below the staples) and said that it could indicate a small fracture to a bone in his ear and referred us to his ENT.

When I called our ENT they said I could either take him to AGH on Wed. morning or to their Richland office to see our Drs. partner on Tuesday. I opted for the latter as it's closer to home and I didn't have to be in work today until 2pm. Wednesday I have to be at a Job Fair in Beaver in the morning.

We had a long wait and then an examination. We (me and 2 nurses) had to hold Dylan down while the ENT looked at his ears with a microscope. Poor thing was royally pissed off. Good news is that the Dr. doesn't think it's blood, but dark mucus/fluid from a prior ear infection, but does want him to go for a hearing test just the same.

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