Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Doom & Gloom Continues

the Red Cross declared my brothers home unliveable. He went for his intake interview today and will be getting a debit card with money for incidentials. He has to apply for help with Social Services, but due to his income he won't be approved, but has to go through the process. The Red Cross has put him in the system to find temporary housing.

He's been trying to go through his house and things and right now the only things that he feels are salvageable are:

Butcher Block cart in kitchen

Kitchen Credenza

Coffee Table

Tool Box

Small Electronics which were put in the attic---computer, stereo, radio, clock radio

Some dishes, bowls, cups, glasses and utensils


I posted on for help and also on my moms group and everyone has been so wonderful and supportive. I'm getting clothes and shoes for them both and told anyone who has household items to hold on to them as when he does find permanent housing he will need those items as well. I went to Walmart today and got the both some underwear and socks and then a Visa Check Card for $100.

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